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If you want a better birth for you and your baby

We need to talk

Your birth, the beginning of your family, the welcoming of your little one, is one of the most important days of your life...  a beautiful event that will bring you to the path of parenthood.  You can begin your journey as a parent, confident and strong, trusting in your own instincts to know what's best for your baby when you've had a better birth.



I help pregnant women find their strength and confidence to birth without fear so that their baby is welcomed into the world with love instead of trauma.


I know trauma all too well...

I have 3 beautiful children, all grown now.  Back in 1994 when I was expecting my first baby, there weren't many resources available.  I took a hospital childbirth class, which taught me how to be a good patient and left the rest up to chance.  

My pregnancy was great but when I walked into that hospital on that cold & blustery February morning to start my induction, without knowing it, I handed over all of my rights, choices, and responsibilities to the doctor and nurses.  Needless to say my experience snowballed into many more interventions, ending with a caesarean birth and not getting to hold my newborn for several hours later.  


Candi Ammermann

My second birth was a little better.  Fortunately for me the hospital delivery floor was fairly quiet and I had the most wonderful nurse who hardly left my side.  She advocated for me when the doctor wanted to do a c-section, and she cheered me on to a wonderful VBAC.  However, I ended up with severe tears and so much healing that needed to be done while caring for a newborn and a toddler.


My third pregnancy I was determined that I had had enough pain and labor for 3 births already.  Coming from a place of fear, I decided to schedule another cesarean.  I felt that my body, that I, was broken and incapable.  My doctor and husband only supported me in that belief.  Though a successful c-section, still a failed birth.


Looking back now...

I can see where every decision I made out of fear and a lack of knowledge and trust in my body lead me to each broken birth.  I can still see how each experience has shadowed parts of my parenting and my relationship with each of my children.  

BUT each of these births has lead me to this very point - this place where I want to help women to have and do better than I was able.  I needed to have those births to bring me here TO HELP YOU!


I have taken classes and courses, I have read book after book, I have learned from other childbirth professionals, I have learned from the experiences of all the families I have worked with and supported through their journeys.   I bring all of this together to offer you the education, the experience,  the better birth


If this is resonating with you, and you'd like to

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